Background Opacityv1.4.0+
@include('_partials.class-table', [ 'scroll' => true, 'rows' => $page->config['theme']['backgroundOpacity']->map(function ($value, $name) { $class = $name = ".bg-opacity-{$name}"; $code = "--bg-opacity: {$value};"; return [$class, $code]; }) ])
Control the opacity of an element's background color using the .bg-opacity-{amount}
@component('_partials.code-sample', ['style' => "background-image: url('/img/transparent-bg.svg')"])
To control an element's background color opacity at a specific breakpoint, add a {screen}:
prefix to any existing background color opacity utility. For example, use md:bg-opacity-50
to apply the bg-opacity-50
utility at only medium screen sizes and above.
<div className="bg-blue-500 bg-opacity-75 md:bg-opacity-50">
{/* ... */}
For more information about Tailwind's responsive design features, check out the Responsive Design documentation.
To customize the opacity values for all opacity-related utilities at once, use the opacity
section of your tailwind.config.js
theme configuration:
@component('_partials.customized-config', ['key' => 'theme.extend.opacity'])
- '10': '0.1',
- '20': '0.2',
- '95': '0.95', @endcomponent
If you want to customize only the background opacity utilities, use the backgroundOpacity
@component('_partials.customized-config', ['key' => 'theme.extend.backgroundOpacity'])
- '10': '0.1',
- '20': '0.2',
- '95': '0.95', @endcomponent
Learn more about customizing the default theme in the theme customization documentation.
@include('_partials.variants-and-disabling', [ 'utility' => [ 'name' => 'background opacity', 'property' => 'backgroundOpacity', ], 'variants' => $page->config['variants']['backgroundOpacity']->all(), ])